
YINFRARED is an infrared sauna experience which allows you a chance to slow down, channel your attention and inner silence whilst rejuvenating your body and mind.

Our YINFRARED sauna has been designed with the utmost in comfort for greater relaxation and stress-reduction. Relaxation is more important to health than most people realize. Stress impacts not just the mind but the body, as well.


Relax and reduce mental stress with YINFRARED as part of your wellness routine. We need it more than ever today. Our YINFRARED therapy soothes your mind by enveloping your body in relaxing warmth, allowing you to not only loosen your body, but loosen your mind.

Practicing mindful meditation while in a sauna therapy session can also help with mental stress reduction. Alone time is maximized with a sauna therapy session, giving you an opportunity to reflect and move on from the stressors of the day.


The most important innovation of our YINFRARED sauna, is that our heating is independently tested and proven to deliver the exact infrared output recommended by independent researchers and health professionals.

This consistency of heat not only means our YINFRARED saunas can deliver the health benefits associated with infrared therapy, but a more consistent, more comfortable sauna experience. Steady, gentle heat, with no cool patches and no burning hot spots – just safe and effective infrared heat throughout your session.

Other health benefits of our YINFRARED sauna can include; detoxification, immunity boosting, and workout recovery.

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